Thursday, November 19, 2009



Outside my window.....It's raining. Again. I know that God is giving all things nature their sprinkling of love but they gotta feel pretty loved by now! The leaves are almost gone from the trees. Once a year I can see the street at the bottom of the hill behind my house. I have never quite figured out what that white building is. And I'm not curious enough to find out.

I am thinking.....about the mess that is in front of me. It's ponies and crayons and books and puzzles. And that's just my kitchen table. Yep, my kitchen table. Thankfully I am in the mood to clean it today. Thinking about the week winding down. It's been a week full of odd events that have thrown me off my routine. Completely! I am excited that the kids are off school all of next week!

From the kitchen.....It was cheerios and milk, upon request, for breakfast today. I like these kind of days. I feel like a better mother when I fill their bellies full of something warm and yummy but I am grateful for a simple request today. I can see the yummy Amish bread I baked the other day. It's calling me. My lips say YES! Unfortunately, my hips say NO!

I am creating.....a family binder. Something to organize my frazzled mind. I used it years ago and am not quite sure why I quit. I think I found it took too much time to organize. LOL! You can find the tools for the binder here

I am be very proud of myself for finally blogging. Except the real credit goes to Amber Once again, she has inspired me. I am also going to enjoy the peace and quiet. It won't last for long.

I am and white striped (with just a hint of sparkle) jammie bottoms with a hot pink Toronto Maple Leaf pj top.

I am reading.....Espresso For Your Spirit: Hope and Humor for Pooped Out Parents. I have been reading if for about 4 months. I am also glancing through Parent's Magazine. I only read the articles that really appeal to me. Otherwise I am left feeling like a failure after reading all the wonderful vacations and crafty things all these wonderful mothers are doing with their kids! And of course, The Bible!!

I am hoping.....for answered prayers. For Serena, who is battling ALS and is VERY sick right now. For Kelly, who had colon cancer and is still having treatments and awaiting more surgery. For Madeline Rose, an 8 month old, with a serious heart condition. For Freda, my friend's mom, who is paralysed after back surgery. For all those who do not know God that they someday come to know Him as a loving God. And the list goes on and on.

I am hearing.....the sound of the laundry, spinning. The cat pushing his water bowl around the kitchen floor. A television set, in a distance, somewhere in the house. The faint sound of God telling me that He loves me. Always.

Around the a sleeping baby. Toys scattered EVERYWHERE. Bins of clothes to sell. Bins of clothes to give away. Bins of clothes!!! Is a hard working husband. Is a grateful wife, for that hard working husband. The makings of three more Amish bread kits. Ahhh!! Traces of kids playing, kids learning and kids loving God. And this.

It reads "Oh, give thanks to The Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever". Psalm 106:1

And this...

One of my favorite that the sun JUST came out. It certainly is a beautiful fall day. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love seeing all the leaves. Makes me miss home. This is where I should be inserting an amazing picture of Hamilton, in all it's glow of yellow, orange and red. But, simply put, you don't realize what you've got until it's gone. I never took any pictures. I just took it for granted. So, I cheated.

Pictures do not do justice to it's beauty.

A few plans for the rest of my week.....To buy my sweet daughter a reward. A simple reward. For no longer sucking her fingers!!!!!!!! What an accomplishment for her. And she is so proud. And maybe I am a bit too :). To take a trip to Goodwill to get rid of some bins. Did I mention the bins??? To organize my pantry. To meet my new Parents as Teachers lady (and pray she is more person-friendly than the last one). To attend a birthday party and maybe a bonfire with friends (although the babysitting is not looking good). To help Lily practice for the Christmas play at church. To fix the bunk beds, the curtains, the shelves, the pictures in Alex's room that he "loved" too much. To hear all about "Grandparent's Day" from Lily and Alex. To enjoy every waking moment with my baby, watching him grow. To meditate on Deuteronomy 32:4.

So, today, this is how I see the world around me.

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