Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yeah!!! Potty Trained?

So, three days ago I decided, no more diapers for Alex. We have been putting a diaper on at night only. The first day was, well, bad, with lots of accidents and he kept asking for his diaper. Day two, much better. And today, great success. He stayed dry all day and told me when he had to go...right up until bedtime, when he pooped and peed in his pull-up. I am very excited about his progress. He seems pretty pumped about it too :). Todd bought him a target to shoot at with his bow for trying so hard.
Nathanael is doing well. He is eating about 2 oz every 3 hours. He has a checkup on Tues. I am very excited to see how much weight he has gained. He is finally growing out of his preemie clothes. He is starting to have longer awake periods. His monitor has only gone off twice this past week. It appears as if he everything is moving right along, in the right direction.
The kids still love Nathanael and think he is pretty cool. Lily is especially smitten with him. She kisses him all the time. She wants to hold him and help with his bottles whenever she gets the chance. Alex is following Lily's lead. He kisses him too but is less interested in helping. He tries to help by thrusting the pacifier in his mouth, lol. I have to watch him closely.
The nights are getting longer and Todd and I are starting to get tired. I know that I have greatly increased my caffeine intake, lol. Todd, well, he naps on the couch, when he gets the chance. He is going back to the office tomorrow. I am having some anxiety over being home by myself. I am hoping after a couple of days alone I will feel better about things.
Today, after church, Todd had to do a demo for a new client. We all drove to St. Charles. The plan was to drop Todd off, kill time with the kids, then pick Todd back up. There was a Dairy Queen right across the road from where Todd was doing his demo. I got all three kids in, hit the bathroom first and headed to order food when I realized that I didn't bring my wallet. Interesting! Todd's meeting wasn't scheduled to start for 15 mins so I quickly called him. He walked across the road, paid for our food, and headed back. Lily and Alex sat and ate, while I fed Nathanael. I let everyone sit and take their time eating because I didn't have a wallet, therefore, no drivers license, therefore we would be stuck in the parking lot until Todd was done, lol! Once the kids got bored, we headed to the car. It seemed like no time before Todd returned. The moral of this story (well, besides, always take your wallet, lol) is that if I can take all three out by myself, I should be able to handle them at home :).
I am going to sign out as I have a rotten baby, spoiled rotten that is, that wants to be held :).


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