Sunday, March 22, 2009


I have one IV in my right thumb and another in the bend of my right elbow...making typing very difficult. I may be cutting this a little short tonight.
They decreased my mag early this morning because I "behaved" myself through the night. But... at 11am, I had several contractions in a short period of times so they gave me a shot of terbutaline. It worked well. The contractions slowed right down. The side effects were a little yucky but it left my system as quickly as it entered. The rest of the day has been pretty uneventful:).
Carol from PFM ministry came to visit this afternoon. It was great to see her. She recently returned from a trip to Egypt and Israel. She told me that her husband (of 40 yrs), finally gave his life over to Christ in January and he was baptized in the Jordan River. How awesome!!!
Melissa, from my MOPS group, stopped by this evening. It's so nice to laugh and chat with friends like nothing is out of the ordinary. She brought me some premie clothes.....oh my gosh, they are so small and so adorable. She also brought me some nursing supplies. What a great gift!! I am sure Todd will be grateful to not have to shop for nursing supplies:).
The kids are home and ohhhhh, sooooo cute on the phone. I love listening to them when they are all excited and trying to tell my a story. I hope they come to visit tomorrow. hand is say enough.....


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